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prof. Ph.D. n. med. Lidia Ziółkowska

specjalista z pediatrii II stopnia, specjalista z kardiologii i kardiologii dziecięcej

    Prof. Ph.D. n. med. Lidia Ziółkowska is a second-degree specialist in pediatrics and a specialist in cardiology and pediatric cardiology. He is an experienced clinician, researcher and teacher. For many years, he has been a lecturer in the field of pediatric cardiology at specialization courses in pediatrics and pediatric cardiology, as well as at Polish and international cardiology and pediatric conferences. He is the author of many original publications in foreign and Polish magazines and the author of chapters in monographs and textbooks. He is a member of many European and Polish scientific societies, in which he holds organizational positions. He actively participates in the implementation of scientific programs covering the diagnosis and treatment of congenital and acquired heart diseases in children.