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Marko Lukic, PhD FEBO FASRS

Consultant Ophthalmologist

    Dr. Marko Lukic, Ph.D. FEBO FASRS is a consultant ophthalmologist specializing in retina and uveitis. He is affiliated with Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, where he serves as a consultant ophthalmologist in medical retina digital imaging clinics. Dr. Lukic completed two fellowships at Moorfields Eye Hospital: in 2016 Clinical Medical Retina Fellowship and the 2017 Clinical Research in Retina Fellowship. During his clinical research fellowship, dr Lukic participated as an investigator in more than 15 clinical trials. Dr. Lukic passed the ICO subspecialist exam in the retina in October 2020 and finished his Ph.D. in November 2021 at the Medical School of the University of Split, Croatia. Dr. Lukic has been designated as a Fellow of the American Society of Retina Specialists since May 2022. Dr. Lukic’s research interest is real-life data in diabetic macular oedema and wet age- related macular degeneration. His continuous research work resulted in manuscripts published in highly ranked journals like Nature Medicine, AJO, Retina, EJO, etc. He serves as a reviewer in highly rated ophthalmology journals. Dr. Lukic has been part of the team of experts who participated in a collaborative project between Moorfields Eye Hospital and Google Deep Mind to develop an artificial intelligence system to recognize various retinal conditions based on deep learning protocol. Dr. Lukic lectures ophthalmology at the Medical School of Zagreb and serves as a medical retina tutor to optometrists at the University College of London, UK. Dr. Lukic is the owner and director of the European Medical Consultants, one of the leading European companies specializing in teleophthalmology. Dr. Lukic sits on the advisory board of Eclevar and serves as an external expert for Specsavers Nordic.